After more than fifty years in the practice of law, Nelson Irvine continues in the role of counselor to advise clients of the Chambliss firm and to seek creative solutions to problems encountered by family owned and closely-held business organizations. Nelson began his legal career in Chattanooga with the Chambliss firm in 1968. During his years as a member of the firm, Nelson Irvine has served as a trusted advisor to and advocate for families, business owners, investors, estates and trusts, business entities, and nonprofit organizations. He has represented business entities throughout their life cycle and advises closely-held and family-owned businesses and trusts over multiple generations. Now, he continues to serve clients while he transitions from full-time practice by continuing to advise clients and connect them with colleagues who have expertise and experience. He continues to focus on business succession and related estate and trust planning and the tax consequences of business transactions and succession plans, as well as the use of trusts and business entity structures to carry out strategic plans and achieve goals and objectives for clients. He has prepared and reviewed business transaction contracts for both the seller and buyer side and private offerings for investment funds and private transaction brokers. His clients include the owners of and investors in C corporations, S corporations, limited liability companies, general and limited partnerships, and sole proprietorships.
His broad experience as corporate and business legal counsel has given him the background and experience to provide counsel regarding the consequences of corporate governance, business transactions, and investment decisions by owners, directors, officers, managers, and investors.
Nelson has advised and represented clients in the formation and operation of nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations and has provided guidance on organizational and operational matters and compliance issues of nonprofit corporations and limited liability companies and tax-exempt organizations.