The Hamilton County Health Department Adds First Dose Appointments to the Vaccination Schedule for Phases 1a1, 1a2, and Adults 75+ by Appointment Only
The Hamilton County Health Department started taking first dose appointments again starting this morning, January 22 at 9 a.m. New appointment days were added to the schedule for January 24 – January 28, but unfortunately were filled in less than one hour.
To receive real time updates when new appointment slots are released, please subscribe to the Hamilton County Health Department newsletter.
Those in the current Phases (1a1, 1a2, and individuals 75 and older) are encouraged to make their appointment online.
Appointments can also be scheduled via telephone. Individuals eligible for the vaccine without internet access can call Emergency Management’s call center at (423) 209-5399 to make their appointment. Emergency Management expects high call volume and encourages online appointment scheduling if possible.
Important Information to Know Prior to Your Appointment:
- Do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment
- Wear appropriate clothing to get a shot in the upper arm
- Bring proof of Hamilton County residency (if applicable)
- Bring proof of Hamilton County employment (if applicable)
- Bring proof of age (if applicable)
- Bring COVID-19 Vaccine Encounter form (if possible; form available for download on registration page)
- Be prepared to wait 20 minutes after you receive the shot
- Be prepared for the entire process to take an hour or more
Who: Individuals in Phases 1a1, 1a2, and Adults 75+
Where: Riverpark Hubert Fry Center, 4301 Amnicola Hwy, Chattanooga, TN 37406. Enter near the Chattanooga State side of the Riverpark, not the Navy and Marine Reserve side.
For more information, please visit the Hamilton County Health Department’s website.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Announces COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Available to High-Risk Veterans and Veterans Age 65+
The Department of Veterans Affairs also announced its vaccinations are underway. The CDC has distributed Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS). TVHS announced it is offering vaccines to the following priority groups:
- Health care personnel
- Nursing home patients
- Spinal cord injury patients
- Chemotherapy patients
- Dialysis patients
- Transplant patients
- Homeless Veterans
- Outpatient Veterans aged 65 and older
Veterans in the above priority groups and enrolled in the TVHS are eligible for the vaccine. TVHS will contact the veteran directly via phone, once it reaches the veteran’s priority group. Veterans interested in the COVID-19 vaccine should use the VA’s Keep Me Informed Tool to notify the VA that that they want the COVID-19 vaccine. The VA will then contact the veteran to schedule an appointment when the schedule permits. For more information on the VA’s vaccination distribution plan, please visit Department of Veterans Affairs website.
If you have questions, please contact Isiah or another member of the Estate Planning team.
The material in this publication was created as of the date set forth above and is based on laws, court decisions, administrative rulings, and congressional materials that existed at that time, and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinions on specific facts. In some cases, the underlying legal information is changing quickly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The information in this publication is not intended to create, and the transmission and receipt of it does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship. Please contact your legal counsel for advice regarding specific situations.